How to order your custom sex doll made by TPE or silicone rubber
When we want to acquire a sex doll we always have a lot in mind: we want it to be perfect, according to our most perverted tastes and desires, that it can satisfy our sexual needs and at the same time that the libido it produces is almost infinite. But, among all the excitement, we forget that to request a custom sex doll you need to be able to express our desires adequately, otherwise, how the hell will they know what we want to be completely satisfied? Only we know what we really want and it is our responsibility to tell the manufacturer clearly so that in the end, they give us an excellent product and we enjoy it to the fullest.

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However, most people who order a sex doll have no idea how to order it (remember, many people are ordering for the first time, and emotion always beats reason when it comes to sexual things). Don’t worry, for this you could follow the steps below.
1- TPE or Silicone
This is the first step. Our custom sex doll should ideally be of one of these two materials. Silicone is much easier to wash, durable and resistant, and its price is much cheaper.
However, for lovers of touch, TPE is much more elaborate and similar to human skin. Much more realistic, however it implies that maintenance is almost twice as complicated and the price is also a little higher, but believe it, it’s worth it.
Remember also in this step, indicating the color of the skin of the doll, would greatly help the manufacturer to prepare the material with which to work
2- Removable sexual parts
For both a sex doll for women and a personalized sex doll, it is important that we denote what we need regarding its sexual parts. The removable sexual parts facilitate cleaning in a great way, they are removed, cleaned and put back in place (applies to both penis and vaginas and even anus). However, in terms of doll aesthetics, many prefer the parts to be non-removable, making the doll appear much more real. In this case, remember that the holes of both the vagina and anus have a size (like the penis) and it is recommended that it be indicated so as not to end with something too small.
3- Body measurements
Here the taste begins to vary greatly with respect to each client. Custom sex dolls have the property of being physically the way you want it to be: therefore, asking for it in clear words is a priority. We must indicate the sizes of:
a- bust
b- Hips
c- Legs
d- Back
f- Arms
After clearly deciding on each part of the human body to form our personalized sex doll, we jump to the last step
4- Head, face and final details
Many of us are terribly attracted to facial features, so describing how we want our doll’s face is important. Added to this is also the color of hair, eyes, size of lips, facial features, etc.
To finish, let’s remember that each of us can have a hidden desire or detail that he wants to add to his wrist. If you are finishing it, this is the time to mention it. Manufacturers will try as much as possible to make your dream come true

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For more about sex dolls,you can pay a visit to kfdolls at http://www.kfdolls.com